This guidance supports One Click LCA’s DGNB International 2020 tool, which is designed to achieve ENV1.1 and ENV 2.1 credits. All available resources are compliant with DGNB requirements for data quality, specific to the scheme.
The purpose of ENV 1.1 and ENV 2.1 DGNB criteria is to complete a Life Cycle Assessment of a construction to evaluate a building’s environmental and energy performance, taking into account the embodied and operational impacts and compare the results with a reference building. The building LCA should be conducted as early in the planning phase as possible, so it can serve as an instrument for improving the ecological quality of the building.
Minimum scope of the materials (using partial calculation method)
- (1) External and basement walls – only concrete (incl. reinforcement), concrete blocks, bricks (including perimeter insulation)
- (2) Roofs – only perimeter insulation and concrete components (including reinforcement)
- (3) Internal floors and ceilings – only concrete structures and elements (including reinforcement) without floor coverings and coatings
- (4) Ground-level floor – only floor concrete construction (incl. reinforcement) and perimeter insulation boards
- (5) Foundations2 - only concrete incl. reinforcement
- (6) Internal walls – only concrete (incl. reinforcement), concrete blocks, bricks
- (7) Load bearing structure – all concrete (incl. reinforcement) and metal components (e.g. columns, beams etc.)
Minimum scope of the materials (using simplified calculation method)
- (1) External walls (including doors and windows) and basement walls
- (2) Roofs
- (3) Internal floors and ceilings (including floor structures and floor coverings and coatings)
- (4) Ground-level floor (including floor construction and floor coverings and coatings, as well as floors above open space)
- (5) Foundations3
- (6) Internal walls and doors (including coatings and internal columns)
- (7) Heating and cooling systems and air conditioning systems
- (8) Other building installations (e.g. photovoltaic systems or the use of solar collectors)
- (9) In individual cases: User equipment with considerable energy consumption in the use phase (if suitable life cycle assessment data is available for them, such as refrigerated counters and cold storage rooms), these can be described in more detail depending on their usage here.
In order to successfully complete your calculations for ENV 1.1 and ENV 2.1 credits in One Click LCA, please follow the workflow below.
Specific data requirements
DGNB does not allow the use of One Click LCA generic data, which means that the availability of data in the DGNB tools can differ from other calculation tools. Please take this into consideration if you are pursuing multiple certifications for the same project.
1. Set up the Life Cycle Assessment (calculation) parameters
When setting your LCA parameters for your design, make sure to select “product-specific service life” for your service life values for materials, as this setting is mandatory for DGNB. If you need to adjust the parameters, click ‘Parameters’, then “Input data: LCA parameters”.
2. Include the material data
Fill in the Building materials query of the design either manually or by import.
3. Include the energy consumption
Fill in the Energy consumption input form by choosing the local energy data and inputting annual consumption based on your energy calculations for your project.
4. Include the reference values
Fill in the reference values query.
Enter Core reference and Additional reference values based on the building type and the DGNB scheme you follow.
The reference values are used to calculate the environmental impacts of your reference building. Reference building impacts will be calculated using environmental impact factors set by DGNB.
Energy calculations must be completed according to the DGNB requirements.
Follow the energy performance certificate (EPC) methodology (As described in the ENV 1.1 Appendices 2, 4 and 5).
Simplified or Complex: The main difference between the methodologies is different LCA scope. The complex method requires more detailed information but can provide you with a more precise outcome. The simplified method is easier to complete but requires 10% markup to your results. Pay attention that all necessary materials are included according to the calculation methodology you choose, since cut-off criteria may apply. Follow the respective calculation rules for your method.
As a minimum include:
- m2NFAa/m3BRI of the reference building
- Annual electricity and heat consumption of your reference building
- If local values for reference building are not available, use DGNB guidance to model your reference building.
5. Fill in the calculation period query. This is the service life of your building.
6. Fill in ‘Building area’ query as specified for your scheme
Enter the area of your actual building: NRF (Netto-raumfläche as specified in DIN 277) The software also requires entering the Gross Internal Floor Area (IPMS/RICS), this is for benchmarking purposes.
7. Click on Results to see gained DGNB checklist points.
The first 5 columns indicate points for ENV 1.1 criterion, the last 2 columns indicate points for ENV 2.1 criterion.
8. Submit all required documentation
Follow the DGNB scheme list of required documentation for your scheme and method.
Download your results to Excel by clicking 'More actions' and 'DGNB Documentation'.
Copy and paste your data sources to excel by clicking on ‘Data sources’ on the results page. A list of data sources you have used for your LCA will appear on the bottom of the page.
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