Klimatdeklaration tool (Included in all Swedish licenses) is used to calculate global warming potential impacts from the construction phase of a building. The results of your calculations with this tool can be used for the new law on climate declaration for new buildings, enforced at the beginning of the year 2022.
Introduction of IOBC calculation 19th March 2024:
A new version of the Klimatdeklaration tool was published in the March release, called 'Klimatdeklaration av byggnader - IOBC'. This tool prioritizes GWP-GHG and GWP-IOBC values of EPDs where this value is declared (mainly in EPDs published in EPD Hub, EPD Norge & International EPD System). IOBC stands for 'instant oxidation of biogenic carbon'. As per the description on the Boverket database website:
- GWP-GHG (or GWP-IOBC) is the key indicator for building climate declarations. It reflects the climate impact of fossil fuel greenhouse gas emissions. GWP total includes additional factors beyond GWP-GHG and is not suitable for this purpose.
- For climate declarations: Use GWP-GHG from life cycle phases A1-A3.orted in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents per life cycle module and declared unit.
- If an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) lacks GWP-GHG: Recalculate it from the GWP total by removing the impact of biogenic carbon dioxide.
For the last point, in EPDs where neither of these GWP values are declared, the tool uses GWP-fossil and GWP-LULUC values as required in the scheme.
This new tool makes it easier to assess the environmental impact of your construction materials. It allows you to use the actual amount of material brought to the site (including waste) for more accurate calculations. You can input data from your cost plans or BIM models, with flexible options for calculating waste emissions (A5). The tool supports both XLSX and XML exports for easy sharing and analysis.
The life cycle stages included in climate declaration are manufacturing of materials (A1-A3), transportation of materials from manufacturing site to the construction site (A4) and construction process (A5).
Materials included in the scope:
- Load-bearing structural parts, such as load-bearing walls, columns, beams and joists.
- Building envelope, elements that consist of one or more layers isolating the interior of a building from outdoors.
- Interior walls, also walls that are not load-bearing.
Materials excluded:
- Earthworks, installations and fixed furnishing
- Internal surface layers of envelope, load bearing structural parts or interior walls
1 - Create a project and select the right calculation tool
Create a building project and select the Klimatdeklaration av byggnader tool as the chosen calculation tool.
2 - Create your first design and set up the LCA parameters if needed
NOTE: LCA parameters do not affect Klimatdeklaration tool at all. If you are using additional tools aside Klimatdeklaration on your project, set the LCA parameters accordingly.
If you use only Klimatdeklaration tool in your project you can choose 'Use default LCA parameters' to skip this phase.
3 - Check mandatory scope
Check the mandatory scope of required elements from Boverket guidance.
4 - Fill in the building area
Fill in the Building area question form by entering the Bruttoareal (BTA), Sweden of the building.
5 - Input data for construction site operations
Add the construction site electricity, district heat and fuel consumptions to their respective sections in the question form using the Boverket energy data sets.
6 - Input required material data
Fill in your project information in One Click LCA by entering the design either manually or by import your data (see different import options here; guidance for data import can be found here). If you need help finding the right datasets for your building materials, check our guidance pages here and here.
Use EPD data where available. If there is no EPD published from the specific product, choose a generic material from Boverket database instead. Default transportation and material wastage are automatically added for both Boverket and EPD material data. However, more accurate project specific values can be added and data source changed to 'Specifika Klimatdata'.
After importing or manually adding the material data, set the following parameters for each material in the 'Building Materials' query:
- Choose the correct building part classification for each material from the 'BSAB Byggdelar' dropdown menu. This can be done also within the import process. This parameter is used for showing the results per building part in the result graphics.
- Specify the correct building part from the 'Byggnadsdel' dropdown menu.
- Set the transportation distance and method from manufacturing site to the construction site of each material. Adjust the data source if needed.
- Set the wastage data of each material. This refers to the additional quantity of each material that goes to waste during construction phase. Adjust the data source for Boverket data if needed.
- Document the sources of transportation and site waste data for each material. If you have used Boverket default values for these parameters, select 'Generiska klimatdata' from the dropdown menu. If you have used project specific data or data from the EPDs, select 'Specifika klimatdata'.
7 - Building Information (optional query)
Fill in this optional query to generate a XML file which has all the information what is needed for submitting a Climate Declaration. Only the inputs relating to scope coverage affect calculations.
- Building area - Add the building type and "Bruttoarea" For buildings with mixed-use, provide the area of all the different building types.
- Building part areas - Fill in the information which is relevant to your building.
- Acoustic and Energy Class - Fill in the information which is relevant to your building.
Scope coverage definitions - Based on the section input, the scope coverage rate (täckningsgrad) is calculated. The calculation is based on mass of materials and 2 different alternative parameters.
- 'The user-defined' ratio uses % as a basis for the calculation. One should add the share of materials the user has included in the 'Building Material' query (for example 90% of the total materials of the building) and this percentage is used to scale the mass and emissions accordingly to cover emissions of a full mandatory scope of the building.
- 'Material mass for full scope' uses the total mass of building as the basis for the calculation. One should add the total mass of the building as an input (in kg/tonne). The calculation is then based on the mass of the materials in the building materials query.
Mass ratios of load-bearing elements - Select calculation method for XML export
- The automatic export automatically calculates the share of different material types and adds the mass ratios in the Boverket submission. The share of different load-bearing material types can also be seen in the result page. Please note that in Boverket these values are rounded to the closest tenth.
- If one selects Manual Selection, you should input the share of different material types for load-bearing building parts to sections 6 and 7. These values will then be used in the XML file export. Please note that the result page results will still show the automated calculation results based on the user inputs in the 'Building Materials' query.
8 - Review Results & Download Reports
Accessing Results
You can find your results in two ways:
- From any input query page: Navigate directly to the results page.
- From the design input menu: Open the menu for your chosen design and select "View results."
Understanding Your Results
The results page contains three key tables:
Main Results Table:
- Shows the global warming potential (GWP) impacts in kg CO2e.
- This breaks down the impacts by different life cycle stages.
- Uses conservative values for any Boverket materials.
- Important: Use this table for submitting results to the Boverket registry.
Additional Results with Average Values for Boverket Data:
- Shows results using average data for Boverket materials (instead of conservative values).
Data Sources GWP %:
- Shows the percentage of EPDs, Boverket data, and other data sources used to calculate the total global warming potential.
Downloading Results
- XML File for Boverket Submission: Go to "More actions" and select 'Generate Klimatdeklaration XML'.
- XLXS File for Boverket Submission: Go to 'More Actions' and select 'Klimatdeklation-IOBC - XLSX results report'
- Full Results Report: Also available under "More actions." Select "One Click LCA results report" to open a separate window with a detailed material-level results table, which can be downloaded in Excel format.
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