Why is this EN15804+A1 EPD unavailable in the Product LCA tools?
This is a commonly asked question and it comes down to data quality. Our Product LCA tools have stringent requirements for the EPDs they include. This particular EPD doesn't meet those standards due to issues with its emissions data.
Here's the breakdown:
- Missing or Invalid Emissions Data: Product LCA requires comprehensive and accurate emissions data across all relevant impact categories. This EPD has missing or invalid values for mandatory indicators, rendering it unsuitable for accurate Product LCA calculations.
Our automated quality checks flag an EPD if:
- Mandatory indicators have a value of 0.0: For many impact categories, like Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), a value of 0.0 is highly unlikely. This often indicates missing or inaccurate data, which can significantly skew LCA results.
- Mandatory indicators are left empty: Any missing data for mandatory indicators signals an incomplete dataset, making it unreliable for Product LCA.
Why is Product LCA so data-sensitive?
Product LCA focuses on the environmental impacts of individual products or materials. Unlike Building LCA, which assesses whole buildings, Product LCA deals with smaller quantities and requires a higher level of data precision. Accurate values for indicators like Global Warming Potential (GWP), ODP, Acidification Potential (AP), and others are crucial for reliable results.
What's specifically wrong with this EPD?
It has values listed as 0.000 for indicators that are unlikely to be truly zero. This suggests inaccurate or incomplete data, which is unacceptable for Product LCA calculations.
By excluding this EPD, our quality checks ensure that the Product LCA tools provide reliable data for informed decision-making in construction projects. This helps professionals like you generate accurate environmental assessments and make sustainable choices.
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