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  • Johann Magnus Kjartansson

    Hello, is the Grasshopper integration working? I am getting a Error code 403 when I try to run the module.

  • Steven

    Hi Johann, you should use the latest version of Grasshopper, could you let us know which version you are using?

  • Karjalainen Petteri

    Hi, I am also having problems with Grasshopper plugin. I get Grasshopper display error and GH can't display components on the canvas. I'm using Rhino version 7.0.20314.3001 and Grasshopper 1.0.0007

  • Steven

    Hi Petteri, I have sent you an email to further investigate what may be the issue.

  • Quentin Swysen

    Hello, despite having the last Rhino version (7.4), I am also getting an "error code 403" when I run the analysis. Do you know where the problem comes from?

  • Volkan Doda

    Hi, I am struggling to retrieve the results from the server as well. was anyone able to fix this?

  • Nichlas Moos Heunicke

    Hi, I'm getting the same error message as well. Running the latest version of Rhino (7.5.21100.03001) - has there been found any solution to the problem? 

  • Steven

    Just a note, the above issues where related to either

    • Not having administrator rights while running the plugin.
    • Not having the correct license type, as you require an Expert license to load results.
    • An issue with the API which has since been fixed.

    If you have issues it is best to contact our support team directly through the software help plugin. 

  • Volkan Doda

    I can confirm that my issue was due to the API, and it has now been fixed. I can also confirm that I actually do not need to run rhino as admin to load results. It does flag the warning tied to result cache, but I do receive calculated results regardless. And this is welcome as running rhino with admin rights causes unnecessary complication in the workflow. 

  • Yehezkiel Wiliardy

    Hi I am not getting any result while being able to log in and execute the simulation. Units are in mm and this was run in admin mode

  • Steven

    Hi Yehezkiel, it seems you are using One Click LCA with Planetary. One Click LCA Planetary does not support integrations and thus will not generate results in Grasshopper. Please check: 

  • anshumam

    Hei, is it possible to run the One-Click LCA plug-in for Rhino with an educational/student account (and access the database as well as the results)?

  • Arne Martensen

    Hi, I am struggling to install the One Click Intigration. I am receiving the following Message.

    I am working in Rhino 7 SR9 (7.9.21222.15001, 2021-08-10) Commercial . 

  • xuecheng wang


    Does the grasshopper gives the end result for A1-A3 stages as well, like the Rhino integration?

    Many thanks

  • Steven

    Hi Xuecheng, the Grasshopper plugin indeed generates A1-A3 data as well, as these are the only life-cycle stages which are guaranteed to be included to EPDs.

  • Andrea

    Hi Steven, 

    thanks for the great work.

    I have an issue with the LCA profile component.

    Below you can the screen,

    If i select the Material component doesn't work.


    Could you help me?




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