Make sure you have the things listed below before starting:
- Rhino 6.0 or 7.0 or 8.0
- If using Rhino 8 please make sure to have the latest version of Rhino 8 installed (current available: 8.4.24044.15001 | 13 February 2024)
- The new Rhino plug-in, which can be accessed through the Package-manager of Rhino or via Food4Rhino
- Alternatively, the plug-in can be downloaded from the attachment section below
- One Click LCA account and license with Business features to be able to import data
- One Click LCA account and license with Expert features to be able to get results back into Rhino
How do you set up the Rhino integration?
How do I install the plugin?
The installation of the plugin requires the user to run the installer and follow steps of the installation.
Please restart Rhino after plugin installation
Rhino 8 One Click LCA plugin installation process based on Package Manager can be viewed in the video below:
In case the plugin action button is not visible a user can add it manually by following the steps below or refer to Rhino 8 plugin installation video:
- On the top panel, go to ‘Window’
- Select ‘Toolbars’
- In ‘Libraries’ field select ‘OneClickLCA_Rhino’
- In ‘Toolbars’ field look for ‘One Click LCA’, select a checkbox and click ‘Close’
- The plugin button shown be visible in the to left corner of the window here
How to use the Rhino Integration?
Once installed, the plugin’s action button can be found at the top of the page, as shown below. In the case of an error occurring right away, try to run Rhino as administrator.
By clicking on it, the plugin’s window will pop-up, undocked, on the right hand-side of the screen.
The plugin consists of four main tabs:
- Settings
- Layers
- Materials
- Results
The section below is always present, regardless of which tab is active:
- LCA in Cloud: Transfers the model directly to One Click LCA’s cloud platform.
- Help: Redirects you to the customer support centre.
- Refresh: Refreshes the model and shows any changes.
- Login: Shows the user account used to log in to One Click LCA. Further guidance on logging in to your Rhino plugin can be found here: How To Login To Your Import Plugin
- Carbon Heroes Benchmark: Shows your Carbon Heroes Benchmark Score as well as your Carbon Intensity (in kgCO2e/m2)
At this tab you can choose the locality of the data which you want to use (i.e., European Data, North American Data, Swiss, French, etc.). You can also log in, manually force update the database and choose the unit system.
- Map to: Choose the local database from which you want to get data for.
- Update Database: Manually force a database update (i.e., whenever new resources are added in the software and are not automatically available in the plugin).
- Unit Types: Choose the Unit System (Metric or Imperial).
- Login: Login using your One Click LCA credentials.
At this tab you can choose which building elements will be included in the LCA and decide whether you would like all the elements under the specified layer to be grouped (i.e., having multiple floor slabs grouped under one material or assign different materials to each slab). Additionally, you can set the building area based on the surface area of a particular layer.
- Layer: An overview of the layers drawn and used in the model.
- Include: You can choose whether to include the specified layer in your LCA analysis or not.
- Group: You can choose whether to group all the items under this element into one or have them shown and mapped separately (i.e., when you have multiple different elements in the same layer and you want to map different materials in each element).
- Count: An overview of how many elements are included in this layer.
- Quantity: An overview of the total quantity in this layer.
- Set Building Area: By clicking on a layer and then on the “Set Building Area” button it sets it as the projects building area which will then be used for the Carbon Heroes Benchmarking result.
At this tab you can match the building elements to materials from One Click LCA’s Database.
- Data Source: Choose the database from which you would like to get data from (i.e., IBU, EPD Norge etc.). Leave empty to show all options.
- Country: Choose the project’s country in order to get country specific materials (if available). Leave empty to show all available options.
- Type: Choose the type of data you are looking for, i.e., Generic/Average, manufacturer specific, plant specific etc. Leave empty to show all options.
- Material: Choose the material subtype, i.e., Ready-Mix concrete for external walls and floors, aluminium etc.
- Assembly: Check this box to get only material constructions as the available options. Leave empty to show all options.
- Material: Click on the dropdown to see the results available for mapping based on the filtering. Once OCL resource is assigned and the project is saved, the mapped material information will be remembered by the plugin.
- Quantity: The quantity of the specific layer.
- Units: Choose any of the available units for the specific material.
- Thickness: Specify the thickness – wherever applicable.
- (+): Allows you to map multiple materials to the same geometry (i.e., concrete, reinforcement, insulation etc).
- (x): Removes the mapping.
Note: Depending on how the geometry was drawn (surface or volume), the default unit will be chosen accordingly (i.e., m2 if surface area).
Once you have mapped your building elements with the corresponding materials, you will be able to see your results at this tab.
- Total Result: Your total A1-A3 carbon impacts.
- Carbon Intensity: The carbon intensity of your project based on the specified Gross Area.
- Refresh Results: Refreshes the results to reflect any changes made to the model or the mappings.
- Gross Area: The gross floor area of your project. Can be specified either manually or through the “Layers” tab.
- Embodied Carbon Benchmark: Choose which benchmark to be used to compare your design against.
- Result [kgCO2e]: The total amount of CO2e based on the material mappings for this particular layer.
- Result [%]: The relative % distribution to the total of each building element.
Modelling Guidance
As previously mentioned, each building element inherits its name from the layers tab. Furthermore, when uploading the model to the cloud (by clicking “LCA in Cloud”), One Click LCA will assign a class to each material used based on the name of the layer. As a result, to avoid additional workload when importing the model to One Click LCA, you can use the naming convention of the software for each material class:
Foundation |
8. Beam |
15. Finish |
2. Wall |
9. Stairs |
16. Covering |
3. External Wall |
10. Other |
17. Systems |
4. Internal Wall |
11. Door |
18. Buildingtech |
5. Column |
12. Window |
19. Furniture |
6. Slab |
13. Horizontal Finish |
20. Site |
7. Roof |
14. Vertical Finish |
If you wish to model more complex masses as one, such as a wall with insulation and not each element separately, you are still able to do so by designing each element under the same layer. Then, under the layers tab, choose the corresponding layer, ungroup them and then hit on refresh. Back in the Materials tab you should be able to see a list of all the elements under the specific layer, as shown below:
Clicking on a layer (or an individual element), will highlight it in Rhino’s viewport so that you know which element is the one you are working on.
To add more materials to the same element, click on the (+) sign as many times as the materials you wish to map, as shown below:
Guidance on common Rhino errors can be found in our Help Centre article: Rhino & Grasshopper Troubleshooting Guidance for One Click LCA Plug-in
How to uninstall the Rhino plugin
Navigate to: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Plug-ins
Delete the One Click LCA folders
Plugins for Rhino 6, Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 can be downloaded here.
Hi :)
I tried to run the LCA Oneclick using the COP 26 trial for McNeel for the building trial. Im using RH7 and just testing the plugin on simple geometry. But when I try to assign materials to the contructions rhino keeps crashing. There seems to be a problem with the different data sources and the search function for the materials is not correct.
Have you any experience with this bug?
Thank you
Hi Kristen, we are not familiar with the bug you are describing yet. Have you tried to select materials from one source in order to see if that does work?
I tried installing the one-click LCA for the rhino. But after it got installed , whenever I am trying to click on it, it is showing the below error message. Is there something I can do about it? I would like to add that, I have a student license for one click LCA (which would allow us to get all the features of the Business License and some features from the expert License). Could you kindly help?
Thank you.
Just an update, It is solved now after I have reinstalled the Rhino selecting ärun as administrator' and saving the software directly under C drive rather than under program files. Hope it will be helpful for someone.
Hi Nishat, glad to hear your issue is resolved. Running Rhino in administrator mode can resolve most issues. Do note that bi-directional results (results in Rhino opposed to results to One Click LCA) is not supported with the free student license.
I´ve done everything I could and still getting the same issue as Nishat had.
I´ve deleted Rhino, reinstalled, I´ve run as admin, installed, reinstalled everything again and again and still does not work.
Hope I get an answer, how to fix it!
I am trying to work with the Rhino app but when try logging it simply say "Login Failed". I have changed my password multiple times confirm that it is not a user error on my behalf.
Thanks in advanced!
I am trying to log in through the Rhino Oneclick lca plugin but it tells me "login failed". I am using my Oneclick account. What can be the problem?
ps: i have a student license
Same here, I tried to log in but the One Clic LCA Rhino told me that login failed. I am sure that I am typing the right passcode, no mistakes in my username, but still not working. What could be the problem?
Hello, I encountered some issues while using the plugin. After completing the material mapping and clicking LCA in cloud, set units of Rhino document to meters occurs, but my model units are already in meters. How can I resolve this issue?
Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us with your query.
The units in Rhino can be set to 'meters' by typing 'Units' in the command window and adjusting the settings. If you've already completed this step and the issue still persists, please send us your model for review at We'll be happy to assist you further.
same, have you resolved this problem?
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