Make sure you have the things listed below before starting:
- DesignBuilder 5.1 or higher version installed (upgrades are free from version 5)
- One Click LCA account and license with Business features to be able to import data
How do you set up the DesignBuilder integration?
DesignBuilder 5.2. and higher
Simply find the One Click LCA button inside DesignBuilder, as DesignBuilder has a native integration to One Click LCA. Read more about that on the DesignBuilder website here.
DesignBuilder 5.1
Please use gbXML export capability, DesignBuilder supports gbXML export for the models from the 5.1./DSM version onwards. It can be downloaded from the DesignBuilder website.
Once you have exported the gbXML file, please follow the guide to import gbXML file.
How do you use the DesignBuilder integration?
Step 1: Open your project in DesignBuilder. Look for the One Click LCA button in the right end of the toolbar and click it.
After you click the One Click LCA button you will be taken to the One Click LCA cloud service back-end to continue the process.
Step 2: Follow general import guidance
Click on the link here to find the article on the import process in One Click LCA
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