Expert users: To create Private Data, Private Constructions, and Private Classifications, you need a company account. It's quick and easy to set one up!
Creating a Company Account
1. Go to your user settings: Log in and click your name in the top right corner. Select "Create or join a company account."
2. Enter your company information: Fill out the required fields.
Fill in the required fields and press 'save'.
3. Link your license: Link your Expert license to your company account by selecting it from the drop-down. This allows you to use private constructions and data.
Link your license to your company account
Inviting Users to Your Company Account
The main user of the account can manage other users within the organization.
1. Go to your company account: Click on your user account and select "Company account."
Navigate to 'Company Account
2. Add users: You can add users with different roles:
- Users: Standard access to company resources.
- Main users: Can create Private Constructions (all company users can use these constructions once published). Main users also have other administrative rights.
User Manager: A role specifically for managing users within the company account.
- User Managers receive company notifications (like new user requests).
- User Managers can add and remove users, and change user roles.
- Main users keep all their existing rights, including approving private constructions.
- If you need someone to have both Main user and User Manager rights, add them to both roles.
Add users either as 'users', 'main users', or 'user manager'.
Important Note: If no User Managers are assigned, all Main users will automatically have user management privileges and receive notification emails. Once you add even one User Manager, only those users will be able to manage other users.
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