Login Error and Platform Unavailable
14th May 2024
Status: Updated and Resolved
Incident Summary:
- On 14th May 2024, at 12:25 UTC, users were unable to login and being presented with the user registration page instead.
Event Timeline:
- 12:25 UTC: Incident begins
- 14:05 UTC: Access to the One Click LCA platform was restored, and users could log in. Users could still not see their personal user information (name and phone number). This did not impact the platform's features and functionality.
- 14:57 UTC: Visibility to user information was fully restored for users registered before 14 May 2024, 00:00 UTC.
- 15:23 UTC: Full restoration was completed
- New users who attempted to register during the incident have been contacted directly.
Incident Cause:
- The issue was traced back to a change in the version that was deployed to production at 12:20 UTC on 14th May 2024.
Security Impact:
- The issue did not expose any users to security risks.
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