Make sure you have the things listed below before starting:
- Allplan 2024-1, 2025 WIP-4.
- One Click LCA account and license with Business features to be able to import data.
How do you set up the Allplan integration?
The Allplan One Click LCA integration comes integrated directly within the appropriate version of Allplan software, ensuring a hassle-free experience without the requirement for additional installations.
How can I access the integration?
After installing the appropriate version of Allplan you can access the integration through the Teamwork panel.
The One Click LCA icon has a dropdown menu that can be expanded.
How does the Allplan integration work?
The integration's main function is to export a bill of materials from the Allplan model to the One Click LCA platform for Life Cycle Assessment. This export process relies on 3D elements. Upon locating the integration within Allplan, you can expand its options by clicking on the black arrow. You can then choose to either export the bill of materials or access support for One Click LCA.
Basic functionalities:
Send to One Click LCA
This lets you send material quantities to the One Click LCA platform for LCA analysis. Please refer to Import Process in One Click LCA article for guidance. -
Export Excel for LCA analysis
You can export material quantities as an Excel file. Later, you can import this file into the One Click LCA platform to do the LCA. Please refer to Import from Excel file article for guidance. -
About One Click LCA
This option gives you access to the One Click LCA online support library and allows you to contact customer support for help.
How to use the Allplan Integration?
Once your model is ready for LCA analysis you can click relevant integration button to perform preferred action.
For example: If using 'Send to One Click LCA' option the the bill of materials will be exported directly on the One Click LCA platform where you can conduct LCA analysis.
Optimizing LCA Data Settings in Allplan.
In Allplan, you have the flexibility to assign additional information and customize the output of your data before exporting it to the One Click LCA platform. While optional, this feature can significantly enhance your workflow. By specifying your preferred settings within Allplan, you can effectively organize your data for easy integration with the One Click LCA platform upon exportation.
Assign or edit the 'LCA class' of an object.
For instance, elements can be classified as windows, walls, or columns. It's worth noting that the software automatically assigns some 'LCA classes,' but in certain cases, the assignment may not be accurate or might be missing. This step is optional, and users can adjust settings on the One Click LCA main platform during later stages of analysis.
To add an 'LCA class' attribute to objects' attributes follow these steps:
1. Right-click on the element and choose 'Modify Attributes'.
2. Add a new attribute.
3. In the left-hand side window, select 'General'.
4. Scroll down to find 'LCA class', select it and click 'OK'.
5. The attribute is now available in the 'Modify Attributes' window.
Assign or edit the 'LCA transport distance' of an object.
This parameter can be added to the element's attributes in the same manner as 'LCA class' described previously. Similar to the 'LCA class,' this step is optional, and adjustments can be made on the One Click LCA main platform during later stages of analysis.
Define the Allplan material of an object.
By assigning an Allplan material to an object and specifying its element, users can transfer this data to the One Click LCA platform. Afterward, they can automatically or manually match this information to the relevant environmental profile. Failure to define an Allplan material may result in the object's material being listed as 'undefined' in the bill of materials.
Specify Allplan material quantity units for an object.
To regulate the default quantity of materials exported for an element, users can define the units in Allplan. These preferences will be carried over to the One Click LCA main platform during export. If users do not adjust their preferences, the default quantity settings will be exported based on the object's classification.
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