The EPD Hub GPI and PCR were updated to include several changes to clarify rules and practical measures to create EPDs. There is a transition period of six months, during which the preceding version can be used. The main updates in the latest version, dated December 5 2023, are summarised below:
1. French and German language EPDs are now supported
2. Project EPDs and rules for internal verifications added
- Always needs a published parent EPD
- Internal manual verification for pre-verified tools
- Verification via internal controls for E2E tools
- Detailed list of competence and impartiality requirements for internal verifiers
- Annual audit rules for internal controls and documentation
3. Rules for expediting verification of sister EPDs - A sister EPD created by only assembling underlying datasets that have been verified and approved by EPD Hub for such purpose, shall not be required to undergo a full third-party verification. Any such EPDs are deemed ISO third-party verified subject to having been reviewed by EPD Hub. Examples of such EPDs can be for example sandwich panels with variants, for which each component of the panel has been third-party verified.
4. Design phase EPDs still need live production data for at least one month, but it can be from pilot production if it is the only available data. Design phase EPDs can also be created for yet to be launched products, if the manufacturing process and inputs and outputs are similar as for existing, already manufactured products
5. Additional scenarios allowed for transport, installation, use phase or end of life phases in the body of the EPD (extra V&P charges will apply)
6. Rules for averaging clarified:
a. Creating averages between products with a functional or performance rating or classification difference is allowed, when such differences are not material considering the intended purpose of the use of products, and when the averaged products can be generally used for the same functions and applications.
b. Two types of averaging are allowed for multiple product group average EPDs:
i. Production weighted averaging – Proportions of raw materials are weighted based on the production volume of each product in the group. These are then used in the LCA model and results presented in the EPD.
ii. Representative product – The manufacturer chooses a representative product from the group of products and the LCA model is built for this product. The variation of the lowest and highest impact products is then reported in the EPD
7. Calculation methods for non-linear scaling added. Non-linear scaling factors or tables can be calculated in one of the following ways:
- By creating an LCA model of each non-linearly scaling product in the software.
- By using mathematical models to derive a non-linear equation to represent the results of the products. The publisher needs to explain how this equation was derived and to validate the equation by showing that the results calculated with the equation are the same as those created with LCA model.
8. Rules to align with eco-platform requirements:
a. Background report is mandatory (Eco-platform
b. Including use phase (Module B) is mandatory for EEE products
c. PCR – Clarification on forbidden Mass Balance Approach
9. EPD Hub will soon be allowing French Independently verified EPD that is created for compliance with French decree of 14 December 2021 for EPDs. Such EPDs must follow the standard NF EN 15804+A2:2019 and national complement. In French, such documents are called FDES: Fiche de déclaration environnementales et sanitaires.
10. Rules for annual control of EPD Hub EPDs clarified
a. Each year EPD Hub Limited carries out checks on EPDs having passed the verification the previous year. These controls concern a sufficient sample, which shall be no less than 10 % of total EPDs and must cover at least 10 % of the scope of a complete verification with a focus on quality risks
b. French EPD rules - 20% of declarations with 20% scope and 5% of declarations with full scope
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