This article describes a new and improved data import process designed to be faster, more user-friendly, and efficient.
What is New?
- AI-Powered Mapping: Intelligently matches your imported data to existing resources using the name (and project country). Supports multiple languages (English, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, German, French, Italian, and Spanish), understands synonyms and typos, and learns from your corrections. (see AI Mapping)
- Improved Resource Search: Finds resources faster with a typo-tolerant search, additional suggestions, and an easier-to-navigate interface.
Enhanced Excel Support:
- Map your Excel columns to the software's columns for seamless import.
- Save column mappings for future use by you and your colleagues.
- Automatic column recognition for pre-defined Excel templates.
- Set units and classifications (Like Levels, RICS, BSAB83 and more) for imported data.
- Edit quantities and add comments before importing.
- Choose the specific Excel sheet to import.
Streamlined Import Process:
- A redesigned interface with clear steps and easy navigation.
- Ability to move back and forth between steps to review and adjust data.
- Private data and constructions are remembered and automatically mapped in future imports.
- Make new designs directly within the import process.
BIM Integration Features
- BIM columns are mapped automatically or manually
- Download and edit your Excel file before importing.
- Use the "Surface" class to import your project's gross area.
Important Information:
- The new import process currently supports up to 500 rows.
- You can import your own Excel files or use pre-defined templates for a smoother experience.
- Some features from the old import process are not yet available but will be added gradually.
- You can switch back to the old import process if needed.

How to Access the New Import:
- Go to the project page.
- Click on a design.
- Click on "Import from Excel."
Steps in the New Import Process:
- File Upload: Upload your Excel file.
- Import Settings: Review and adjust import settings (target project, design, tool, Excel sheet, data handling, saved settings).
- Column Mapping: Map your Excel columns to the software's columns. Mandatory columns are "Name," "Quantity," "Unit," and "Class." You can save column mappings for future use.
- Review & Filter: Review and fix units and classifications. Filter out unwanted data rows.
- Combine Data: Review and adjust how data is automatically merged based on selected criteria.
- Data Mapping: Review the automatically mapped resources. Replace or add resources as needed.
- Import: Import your data into the software.
1. File upload
Upload your Excel file and click 'next'.
2. Import settings
These settings determine where your data goes and how it's handled. You can usually click "Next" to accept the defaults, but here's a quick overview:
- Target: Specifies the project, design, and tool where your data will be imported. You can change this if needed.
- Excel Sheet: Choose which sheet to import (defaults to "DATA" or the first sheet).
- Add or Replace Data: Choose whether to add new data or overwrite existing data.
- Saved Settings: If you're using a pre-defined Excel template, keep the "Don't use saved settings" option selected. If you're using your own Excel file, you can reuse saved column mappings.
3. Column mapping
This step links your Excel columns to the software's data fields.
- If you're using a pre-defined template, this happens automatically.
- If you're using your own file, or have saved settings, you might need to map some columns manually.
- Mandatory columns ("Name", "Quantity", "Unit", "Class") must be mapped.
- Any unmapped columns will be ignored.
- You can include extra columns for reference, even if they don't have a corresponding field in the software.
Once your columns are mapped correctly, click "Next".
Saving Column Mappings (Optional):
If you're using a custom Excel file and want to reuse your column mappings for future imports, click "Save settings." This saves time and ensures consistency. You and your colleagues can then apply these saved settings in the "Import settings" step for later imports.
- Rows with no quantity or a quantity of 0 will be removed.
- You can use your own values in the "Class" column; they'll be updated in the next step.
4. Review and filter
This step lets you:
- Review: Check how the system has categorized your data by "Unit", "Class" or 'Classifications'.
- Fix: Correct any misidentified units or classifications.
- Filter: Remove unwanted rows. This is helpful for large datasets (max 500 rows after combining).
Click "Next" when finished.
Unit Tab:
If the system isn't sure about a unit, you can choose the correct one here. Any rows with missing units will be deleted.
Class and Building Part Tabs:
- Unrecognized Classifications: The system will assign a default classification if it can't identify one. You can change this if needed.
- Choose a Classification: Select the correct classification from the dropdown menu under "Applied classification."
- Accurate "Class" values are important for the next step (Data mapping), as they help the system identify your data based on previous mappings.
- You can fix other building part classifications later on the "Building materials" page if needed.
5. Combine Data
This step automatically merges rows with the same values in the "Applied combine criteria" columns. Quantities are added together, and other values are either averaged or combined.
- Review Merged Data: This step shows you which rows have been merged.
- Ungroup (Optional): If you don't want some rows to be merged, you can ungroup them (up to 500 rows).
Click "Next" to continue.
6. Data Mapping
This is the final step before importing. Here's what you do:
- Review: Check the automatically assigned resources.
- Replace: Click a resource to change it (use the search or suggestions).
- Edit: Double-click to change quantities or add comments.
Click "Import" when you're done.
Identified Data:
The "Map resource" column shows the resources automatically matched to your data. You can click on a resource to replace it. To edit quantities or add comments, double-click the corresponding field.
The system matches your data using these rules (shown under "Mapping basis"):
- Exact matches of names, OCLIDs, or EPD numbers.
- Your previous mapping choices.
- Mappings from your colleagues.
- AI-powered suggestions (learn more in the "AI Mapping" section).
You have two options for replacing a resource:
- Quick selection: Choose from a list of suggestions.
- Detailed search: Use the "Search" tab for more options, filters, and comparisons.
Unidentified Data:
For any data the system couldn't match, you need to:
- Click under "Map resource" and use the search to find the correct resource.
- Important: If you don't assign a resource, the data will be deleted when you import.
Alternatively, you can import unmatched data as "undefined" and map it manually later on the data input page.
- The available resources depend on the tool you've chosen for the import.
- If you can't find the exact resource, you can select any resource for now and leave yourself a comment to change it later on the "Building materials" page.
7. Import Complete
After you click "Import," your resources will be imported, and you'll be taken to the results page.
- You might need to add more information on other data input pages for complete results.
- To see your imported data, go to the "Building material" page. Imported information for each row is marked with a green file icon.
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